Thankful but Confused

A wave of a wand, readings from the stars,images out of a crystal ball,turnings of fate. A journey. Girl to woman (most days, it's just a matter of surviving). One scoop a day recommended dose. Everyday is a different flavor. Explore...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

3am Breakdown

I woke up last night around 2 in the morning, feeling thirst in my throat. After a glass of much spilled water from the dispenser, lied back down on the bed. Ugh. Couldn’t fall asleep right away.

Five minutes later, for no reason at all, a tear rolled down my cheek. Then another. And another one. What started as silent tears soon turned hysterical. I made loud sobbing noises, bawling my eyes out, like a child whose favorite toy was taken away, secretly glad that the rest of the family was away in la-la land busy with their own dreams.

I was having a breakdown. At 3am.

After a while, the tears subsided and the sobs slowly turned to hiccups. I stared at the ceiling, awake. And stayed that way until my alarm went off. Then I start my day like any other morning.

It’s just one of those times when I need a good cry because all the pent up feelings need an outlet. It comes every now and then. I deal with that.

But the timing? 3 in the morning? Seriously? I need a better schedule for this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pls check your email, there's update for u....


12:55 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a perfect time to let 'em out. Nobody around, no sound, just you and 'the rumble'. Just don't do it oftenly kay. After all, it's just minutes away from a brand new morning.

Why don't you sing 'em out? on a karaoke event maybe. Hehehe just a suggestion.

moral message : embrace the moment and live it up...

1:33 AM, September 08, 2006  
Blogger kudanil.cantik said...

tanya.kenapa?: not too often, just once every blue moon, promise! :)

9:04 AM, September 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are you anyway? half werewolf half hippo? hehehe.

10:35 AM, September 08, 2006  

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