Thankful but Confused

A wave of a wand, readings from the stars,images out of a crystal ball,turnings of fate. A journey. Girl to woman (most days, it's just a matter of surviving). One scoop a day recommended dose. Everyday is a different flavor. Explore...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

This Hippo is Missing a Tooth

  • wisdom tooth, that is
  • after consulting with no less than five dentists, all of whom agree my half grown tooth is taking more space in my too small lower jaw, therefore needs to be taken out
  • I chose a dentist with the friendliest face, although it takes me two hours to get there; I figure I need someone friendly if I’m gonna trust him enough to cut open my mouth
  • Sumthing to remember: don’t forget to eat before they operate. I didn’t and I wound up trembling on the dentist’s chair ( I don’t know if I was hungry, cold, or just down right frightened)
  • I’m such a wuss coz I kept my eyes shut at all time (it was that or staring at the dentist’s eyes. He’s married, though…)
  • I don’t know about your dentist, but mine is still very much traditional, with big old metal things he continuously put in my mouth
  • There was a lot of blood
  • I could feel the dentist’s hand shaking at the mighty force of my tooth refusing to be pulled out
  • After he took it out, I glimpsed at the thing that’s causing me a lot of pain; and O My God, that bugger is huge!
  • The whole procedure only lasted 30 minute
  • I was still shaking after it was all done
  • It’s one of four wisdom teeth that will need operation. I will have to go through this three more times (yea!!!! I’m so excited)
  • I’m officially poor from paying for the procedure that cost sekian juta rupiah
  • After the drug wore off, yes it hurts. Painkillers is a must.
  • Now, siapa yang pernah bilang sakit hati lebih baik daripada sakit gigi, ayo berantem dulu ama gw. At least sakit hati ngga ngabisin duit. Kalo elu gemuk bisa bikin kurus karena gak napsu makan = hemat. Kalo nangis melulu juga sehat sekalian bersihin belek mata. Kalo nangisnya di WC umum bayarnya cuma serebu perak. Buntut2nya kalo niat bunuh diri, modalnya tinggal milih antara baygon, racun tikus ato sarung butut. Lah kalo sakit gigi? Udah konsultasi nya mahal,ngga bisa diobatin pake odol, setelah operasi yang ngabisin duit, tetep aja tu gigi gak laku gw jual, hehehe
  • Makasih Drg. Budi…(for having a sense of humor through it all)

    *ouch....sambil ngelus pipi yang bengkak*

    Buat kamuh yang udah nemenin, makasih juga yah…


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