Thankful but Confused

A wave of a wand, readings from the stars,images out of a crystal ball,turnings of fate. A journey. Girl to woman (most days, it's just a matter of surviving). One scoop a day recommended dose. Everyday is a different flavor. Explore...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Cough Hack Sniffle

This is not what I imagine doing for my long weekend. Yes my friend, this hippo is coming down with flu. Kentuuuut…! *sedot ingus*

So, let’s see. Here’s what I have been doing for the last 5 days with less excitement than what I anticipated:

16.08 (after office hour)
Celebrating the long weekend with coffee and too many cigarettes to count with friends.

Niatnya mu ngembaliin dvd yang rusak, tapi ternyata ITC tutup. So, I went traditional, doing what everyone else in Jakarta is doing, when they’re not off crowding other cities: I went to the mall. Yup. But, could not find a parking space. Anywhere. I kid you not. The malls were crowded and the parking even more crowded. Had to go to another mall that was on the other side of town, and after circling hopelessly in search of parking space, finally found one little spot in the corner. Got an invitation to hang out at some stranger’s bachelor pad apartment that belongs to a friend of a friend’s boyfriend’s cousin. Confused? Same here. Note the word bachelor. And what did I find? Besides setrikaan kolor di samping tv, messy bed and no food in fridge, I also found lotsa FHM magazines, playboys, and some porn, of course :) but I hung out, ate pizza, had fun.

Nuker dvd rusak, beli dvd baru, ngabisin 120rebu perak setelah dirayu rayuan maut ama Mbak2 yang jual dvd, stuck di bengkel benerin mobil, had dinner with guyfirends, met my cozin who lost 7 kg after her last asthma attack (can asthma attacks do that?), had coffee at the same place as Thursday, sat next to the same strangers I sat next to on Thursday, having coffee, there, again (we looked at each other, but tried to overlook the fact bahwa kita sama-sama ngga ada kerjaan ampe bisa stuck di coffeehouse yang sama dua kali berturut2, dalam kurun waktu 3 hari), started having fever and a burning itch in my throat but tried to ignore it. I couldn’t be sick at the beginning of weekend, right? Guyfriends and I made plans to go to Bandung for Saturday.

Boy, was I wrong. By now, I was definitely too sick to get out of town. The guys came to my house trying to get me to leave to Bandung with them. Instead I waved goodbye to the car with my boys in it, bringing them to out of city bliss, and feeling a wee bit sorry for myself. Dvd yang gw tuker ternyata masih rusak, jadi gw tukerin lagi (I was gonna make my 2 dvds that cost Rp. 12000 worth every perak, godamit! Especially if I’m gonna have to lie in bed tending to my pathetic illness), ended up meeting some friends, but felt too weak to go out, so I opted to go to their house and watched dvd, fell asleep in their room, they took one look at me, felt sorry and took me home.

Felt really shitty. Fevers and chills simultaneously. Guyfriends asked if I would like to go to the beach (my heart and soul are crying yes, but my own body betrayed me by refusing to get out of bed). Tapi waktu diajak Nyokap ama Uwa ke Melawai langsung semangat *jitak kepala sendiri*

Nyokap: Katanya masih sakit
Gw : Emmm...bosen di rumah Mah..
Nyokap: Kalo gitu kita ketemu di pintu masuk sejam lagi yah
Gw : *udah ngilang ke toko terdekat nawar tank top warna kuning*

Setelah ke Melawai, kita muter2 di Ace Hardware nyari vacuum cleaner:

Nyokap: Kalo vacuum yang ini kelebihannya apa aja Mas?
Mas Penjual Vacuum: Vacuum ini bisa macem2 Bu, selain bisa untuk bersihin debu dan kotoran, bisa juga untuk bersihin lantai yang basah *sambil demo kelebihan vacuum warna kuning yang gede dan berisik*’
Nyokap dan Mas Penjual Vacuum terlibat dalam pembicaraan yang panjang soal seonggok vacuum cleaner yang sepertinya bisa nyedot apa aja mulai dari upil ampe anak kucing yang kesasar di kolong tempat tidur.
Gw: *heran karena di rumah ngga pake karpet* emang mau beli vacuum gede buat apa Mah?
Nyokap: Buat bersihin debu di sofa
Gw: *gubraks* cari yang kecil aja kali Mah...
Nyokap: eh iya ya...lagipula kalo beli yang gede Mama repot nyimpennya dimana...
Mas Penjual Vacuum: *lemes setelah demo vacuum dan ngomong panjang lebar tapi ngga jadi dibeli*

Later, di lorong tempat peralatan rumah tangga:
Nyokap: Duuuh, ini lucu yaaaah...*megang segala bentuk peralatan rumah tangga dari kayu. The woman loves anything wood*
Nyokap: Kamu pasti belum kepikiran punya alat2 kaya gini ya...*sambil nunjuk panci, penggorengan, tempat bumbu masak...*
Gw : Emm...blum tuh Mah *buru2 kabur ke tempat perawatan mobil sebelum pembicaraan berlanjut ke other topics berbau 'rumah tangga'. Sorry, Ma* :)

I’m supposed to be recuperating from my flu, but I’m so freaking bored, even though my eyes are blurred just looking at the monitor and typing this entry, coz I still have my fucking headache, fever, hacking cough and endless ingus yang musti gw sedot karna gw terlalu males ngambil tissue to blow my nose. The day is still young, but..but..but…tomorrow I’m gonna have to go back to work, and I still haven’t started my weekend yet. T_T *nangis darah*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lagi musim flu & sakit tenggorok ya non

6:16 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiks...pake moderation, takut spam ye?

6:16 PM, August 22, 2006  
Blogger kudanil.cantik said...

hehehe,kalo gak di moderate ntar ada link ke 'full frontal nude', bisa2 kena tegor ustadz kampung tetangga...

9:28 AM, August 23, 2006  

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