Thankful but Confused

A wave of a wand, readings from the stars,images out of a crystal ball,turnings of fate. A journey. Girl to woman (most days, it's just a matter of surviving). One scoop a day recommended dose. Everyday is a different flavor. Explore...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Words of (my) Mouth

Is it me, or have Fridays become too much effort to go out? I mean, really. The traffic? Unbelievable.

El and I decided to escape to Gading for a bite to eat since none of us had anything better to do that night, and although we still got stuck in traffic, we managed to have a laugh and talked about everything.

Afterwards we went and saw Miami Snore Vice. Watching Colin Farrell did nothing for me. It sucked. Badly. The movie is, of course, about these two undercover cops that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….

Oops. Did I just fall asleep? Watching Colin Farrell? How could that be? Probably it’s between scenes when Sony Crockett was trying to romance Isabella (Gong Li), who by the way, should really learn English pronunciation first before deciding to do Hollywood movies, because every line she spoke was like:

Gong Li: yada,yada,yada…… (supposedly in English)
El and me: huh?

There were short conversations between me and El every 10 minutes during the movie that went something like this:
Gw: El, dua orang yang duduk di pojok atas masih ada ngga?
El: *ngintip* Masih Nil..
Gw: (10 menit kemudian) El, dua orang yang duduk di pojok atas masih ada ngga?
El: *ngintip* udah ngga ada Nil. Ato mungkin masih ada tapi lagi tiduran.
Gw: Hah serius loh? *ikutan ngintip, berharap dapet tontonan seru*

Maybe it’s becuz there were only six of us in the whole theater, and instead of watching the movie, we were too busy sneaking peeks looking what the other four people were doing. Much less to say, we were the last two who left the cinema. The security guy even waited until we walked out and locked the door behind us.

Next night, di kilometer 19 Starbucks, tol Cikampek: I don’t know whether it was the coffee or the cool night breeze, but it caused some serious needs for two of my guy friends to poop in public restrooms at 10PM. One bought Calvin Klein underwear at nearby factory outlet, cuz he thinks that wearing Rider undies is too tacky for a 27 year-old man. And of course he asked for an eXtra Large size to the sales girl while all he really needed was perhaps two, three, four sizes smaller (hee hee) than what he asked for (self denial, anyone?). I so much want to comment more on the underwear thing, but this particular guy with four new CK underwear in assorted color also reads this blog, so I fear for my life for what he might do to me if I comment further :)

Will thinks that by putting up my blog for public to read, guys will be scared to approach me, cuz I cuss too much in it. Hmm…

I blame thee, Will, for being the master of dirty talk, therefore I am not able to converse one full sentence without cussing.

Well…would you rather me to cuss behind your back, then? Shit…(whoops…)

*halah, listrik di kantor gw mati, kerjaan blum di save… (can I cuss now?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bwehehe...Cumi, lu lupa nyantumin that "this particular guy" is also handsome and nge-gemesin. Bwikikikik..Isi blog lu terus, gw komenin dah. Satu komen goceng yak :] Piss ach...

PS : Kalo diitung-itung dah berapa cowok yg kena cyber"jotos" elu yak di blog inih..Bwakakakak....

10:52 AM, September 06, 2006  
Blogger kudanil.cantik said...

ih,jual diri di blog org :P whaaaa..?? cyber jotos? dun know wot u're talking 'bout... ;P

5:00 PM, September 06, 2006  

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