Thankful but Confused

A wave of a wand, readings from the stars,images out of a crystal ball,turnings of fate. A journey. Girl to woman (most days, it's just a matter of surviving). One scoop a day recommended dose. Everyday is a different flavor. Explore...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hate Mail

Sometimes I wonder if people read this blog, whether it’s strangers from the unknown world, friends, family or the very people I write about; you know…just to know what their take on this thing is. I would, of course anticipate some reaction coming my way at some point, since all the characters I write in this blog are real people, such as this particular one.

Tonight, I received an SMS that read:

From 081********* to Kudanilcantk on 22:55PM:

‘Sori gw SMS lu lagi, kepepet nih soalnya. Gw cuman mau bilang:

Blogspot kamu bagus. My coment is:

1.I’m not a bad guy

2.Gw minta maaf kalo copy & paste foto lu. Gw cuman kirim ke *insert one of his friend’s name here* doang kok.

3.Gw ngga yakin lu akan membalas teguran gw kalo gw tegur lu krn kita blm pernah ‘bicara’ sebelumnya.

5.*looks like he forgot number 4* Menurut gw lu emang agak blagu

6. Gw emang ga pernah pake deodorant or parfum

7. Come to you and say hi? Males ah.

8.You should not be scared to me.

9. You still feel a jerk b coz you’ve said very ‘blagu’ words.

10. Your English is so awesome.

11. Ttg malam minggu, hari lain gw capek, jadi mending tidur

12. I’m absolutely sure that I am not cracked in the head.

13. U’re not the only woman who live on this earth.

14. I am sorry for all

15. Thx

16. I hope u’re not feel like a jerk anymore after read all above

17. I’m sorry for messaging u again, this’ the last’

His defense. No omitted words, letters and/or spelling, just the naked truth. Should I counteract? Nah… I want to give him a chance for his side of the story.

Caution: People, if you want to read my blog, you gotta understand that I write about things going on in my life. It may, at times, include you, if one unfortunate day Lady Luck happens to bring us together in the same circumstances. But if you’re gonna take it too personally, then just don’t read it. Or go blast me off in your own blog on your own time. Capeesh?

As for
you, thanks for your SMS anyway. I needed the reality check.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah yang sabar ajah namanya juga blog....lagian juga banyak org yg perlu mendewasakan dirinya untuk menerima kenyataan apabila orang lain memiliki tanggapn dan pandangan lain terhadapnya

5:56 AM, August 06, 2006  
Blogger kudanil.cantik said...

yup,setuju.Tp buat blogger amatir kaya gw ini,aga2 kaget juga dapet 'semburan' sms kaya gitu,guess I'll have to start getting used to it now :)

9:33 AM, August 07, 2006  

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