Thankful but Confused

A wave of a wand, readings from the stars,images out of a crystal ball,turnings of fate. A journey. Girl to woman (most days, it's just a matter of surviving). One scoop a day recommended dose. Everyday is a different flavor. Explore...

Friday, July 07, 2006

Dysfunctional Conversation in a Dysfunctional Relationship

During a phone call before 8AM this morning…

He: Besok malem nonton ama Ita yuk…
Me: Nonton apa?
He: Superman
Me: Kita kan udah nonton Superman
He: Tapi Ita ngajak, dia mau traktir anak2 (anak2 = his friends…)
Me: Kita kan udah nonton Superman (meaning: don’t really wanna meet his friends)
He: Yeah I thought it’d be nice for you to hang out with my friends
Me: Tapi kita udah nonton Superman…
He: Ya ngga papa nonton lagi…(mulai terdengar maksa)
Me: Besok Why ulang tahun, we (me & my friends) might have plans
He: Tp kita besok kan mau ke PRJ
Me: Loh, bukannya mo nonton Superman ama Ita cs?
He: Kita kan dah nonton Superman
Me: ????
Me: How bout I hang out with my friends and you hang out with ur friends...
He: I thought we made plans…(dengan nada suara berat banget)
Me: Tadi katanya mo nonton ama Ita?
He: Ngga usahlah. Toh kita dah nonton Superman
Me: Kita liat dulu nanti ya…gimana rencana akhirnya. Kalau besok ternyata anak2 (me & my friends) have plan, then you can go out with your friends…
He: Bukannya kita mau ke PRJ?
Me: PRJ masih buka ampe akhir bulan. Why ulang tahun setahun sekali. Ita mau traktir setahun sekali. Kita ke PRJ hari Minggu aja.

He: Ya…ngga gitu sih…(menarik nafas besar, making it all my fault now)
Me: Mangkanya kita liat aja until the end of today, gimana-gimananya. I’ll let you know tonight. And besides, it’s only PRJ…not like someone died or something…
He: (menarik nafas SANGAT besar) Ok…Fine... (I can imagine on the other end of the line dia geleng2 kepala, the thing he does when he’s disappointed in me…)... Bye
Me: Bye…

Superman is not my favorite person right now…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOT : hi.. account blogfam anda sudah kami approve, kami tunggu sapanya di ruang perkenalan ya =)

4:33 PM, July 07, 2006  

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