Thankful but Confused

A wave of a wand, readings from the stars,images out of a crystal ball,turnings of fate. A journey. Girl to woman (most days, it's just a matter of surviving). One scoop a day recommended dose. Everyday is a different flavor. Explore...

Monday, July 03, 2006


Looks like someone’s gonna have a baaaabyyyyy…

Anyhow, congratulations on the birth of your baby son/ girl…

Walopun gw sama sekali ngga dikasih tau kalo hari ini istrinya udah masuk rumah sakit siap2 operasi cesar.

Walopun dia udah minta kosongin schedule-nya besok, tp sama sekali ngga bilang untuk apa.

Walopun gw yg harusnya jadi orang kepercayaan dia, akhirnya tau istrinya hamil dari mas2 penganter obat.

Walopun gw yg tiap minggu beli obat buat istrinya, dan ternyata…menurut mas2 yg anter obat, obat yg gw pesen adalah obat penguat kandungan…(ampe gw musti ngeyakinin mas2 itu,kalo bukan gw yg hamil but somebody else and I didn’t even know who that was, secara tu mas2 udah terlanjur ngasih tips2 sehat supaya gw ngga perlu nyuntik obat untuk nguatin kandungan gw, karena dia liat gw masih muda (that was one smart ass penganter obat, but thanks...I'll remember the tips)),

Dan tiap kali gw tanya langsung ke dia, dia selalu ngeles…bilangnya itu obat pengencer darah (yg ternyata emang bener sih, tp dia selalu lupa bilang obat itu jg berfungsi sebagai penguat kandungan)

I wonder how long someone’s able to hide their new baby born to the world. Especially someone as important to him. The baby’s eventually going to grow up and go to school, right…people ARE going to realize there’s a new addition to the family….(I wonder if he hasn't factored in this possibility just yet).

And most importantly, WHY wouldn’t you wanna share it with the world?

Anyhow…CONGRATULATIONS…(I’m still pretending I don’t know anything..wink..wink..but wait…that also means, you don’t get a gift from me…and I was gonna buy something real nice, too…) damn it…I guess I’ll wait for your 5th child :)


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